Payment is made just by showing your face
Till now, if you go to any supermarket to buy goods, you have to use debit/credit card or e-wallet for payment. Now China's largest online shopping company Alibaba has invented such a payment method in which online payment can be made by just smiling. The company has started this service in one of its cashless retail stores in Hangzhou, China. For which Alibaba has tied up with international food chain KFC. Any customer coming to this food store has to show his face in front of the self-recognition 3D camera i.e. screen after placing his order. And as soon as that person smiles slightly, the software and hardware recognize his face and his payment is done.

Aliplay app is amazing
For this, the company has created a single e-wallet app called Alipay. People who are registered on this app can make payments very easily through this system. They will neither need a card nor an OTP for payment. Just smile in front of the 3D camera and the payment for your goods or your order will be made automatically from your wallet or bank account.

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Linking to phone number for extra safety
However, keeping in mind the security of money, the company has kept the option of mobile phone matching along with face recognition. According to the company, this unique facility of making payment is being used here for the first time. Tech savvy customers are also liking this facility a lot. In this short video, you can see for yourself that to make payment at the store, people are just smiling in front of the screen, the rest of the work is being done automatically.

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