Recently, a Paris-based security researcher Benkow has revealed through his website that approximately 71 crore 10 lakh emails have been attacked by a spam bot hacker from the Netherlands. These emails contain all the banking information and personal information of people.

Security research agency has told that these hackers of Netherlands run malware operation on a very large scale through which they send such spam mails to millions of people, on clicking which all the personal and banking information of the people reaches the hacker. Which has been used or saved on that system. The aim of these hackers is to steal money from people's banks by hacking them. The head of the company which gave information about this biggest hack has warned everyone in his tweet.

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The name of this website is If you also want to know whether the hacker has your email ID and its password or not. Then first of all go to this website and search your email ID here. If you see your email ID and its password on this website, then know that your email has gone out of your control. In such a situation, immediately change the password of your email ID or else you may have to suffer losses at any time.

If your email ID is seen on this website, then change its password immediately, otherwise...

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This website has said that it has the email IDs and passwords of 711 million users. Not only this, hackers have also taken all the personal information and confidential banking information of the users. If you search your email ID on this site and see the message shown in the image below, then know that the data of your email ID has been breached. Therefore, it is better that before someone traces your email and personal information and defrauds you, you immediately change the password of your email ID. And make sure to turn on the two-way security option through your personal mobile number on your email account, so that no one can access your ID easily. Source

If your email ID is seen on this website, then change its password immediately, otherwise...

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