,cambridge analytica, Twitter sold data access right to a researcher associated with it

London (IANS): Not only Facebook, but now micro blogging site Twitter also seems to be trapped in the allegations of leaking personal data of crores of social media users present on its platform or selling that data to any other company. According to an international report, Twitter had also sold its user data to the researchers of 'Cambridge Analytica', the company which stole the data of 87 million Facebook users. According to the information, in the year 2015, Twitter had sold the API access right to access the data of its users for one day to Alexander Kogan, a psychology researcher at Cambridge University, and his company Global Science Research (GSR). However, on this controversial matter, Twitter says that during this period, GSR had collected samples of public tweets made during 5 months between December 2014 to April 2015. In this access, GSR did not have permission to access the personal data of the users.

Dr. Kogan FB was accused, Facebook is like an open shop

Researcher Alexander Kogan, whose company Twitter sold its users' data to, had earlier this month dismissed allegations of stealing data from Facebook, saying that Facebook is like an open shop from where there is no need to steal data, rather the tools provided by FB make it easy for anyone to collect users' data.

This is what Kogan has to say on taking user data from Twitter

On allegations of misusing Twitter's data by accessing it, Dr. Aleksandr Kogan has said that that data was used only to create brand reports and survey tools. During this period, no rule of micro blogging site Twitter was broken. However, whatever Kogan may be saying, Twitter has banned his company GSR with immediate effect after being accused of data theft. The company has also said that we have set some rules regarding advertising, which we do not break. Let us tell you that researcher Kogan's company had collected data of Facebook users in the year 2014-15 by creating a quiz app, which was later sold to Cambridge Analytica. Cambridge Analytica allegedly used this data to run bias social media campaigns during the 2016 US election. After this new revelation related to Twitter, the question is now being raised whether the data taken from Twitter was also included in the data collection and data analysis of Cambridge Analytica.

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