This is how the thinking of active Facebook users becomes
This may sound strange to you but it is true that people who are glued to Facebook or say those who post, view and like things on Facebook every few minutes throughout the day are very materialistic and for those who spend more time on Facebook, their Facebook friends become not humans but digital objects. Nowadays many people have become addicted to Facebook surfing. If such people do not use Facebook for a day, they start feeling restless. Now a research related to this addiction of being glued to Facebook has come out which is quite shocking. This research shows that people who spend more time on Facebook consider their friends not humans but objects and such people like material pleasures and luxury.

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The desire to appear big and special in front of friends
Such people are busy comparing themselves with their friends on all social media websites including Facebook or in showing and telling themselves to be superior to their friends or relatives. According to a news of IANS, International Magazine Helion has published a research on Facebook users. The results of the research show that people who spend more time on Facebook may have more friends but for them they consider Facebook friends to be digital objects and not humans.

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Research says that people who spend more time on Facebook are more materialistic than others and spend most of their time thinking and looking at money and luxury life. Such people feel very good in achieving their life goals and proving themselves to be bigger than others. Professor Philip Ozimak of Germany's Ruhr University, the main author of this study, says that such materialistic people who spend more time on Facebook keep comparing themselves with their Facebook friends and always think about how they can look better and bigger than them.

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