messenger kids Kids should not get spoiled by the app, That's why Facebook took action

San Francisco (IANS): Not only adults but also children are among the fans of Facebook, the world's largest and popular social media platform. This is the reason why a few months ago Facebook launched Facebook Messenger Kids for its young users. Any child who is 13 years old and above can create an account on this app and do chatting and video calling with his school friends and relatives. Let us tell you that in the Messenger Kids app, compared to the normal Facebook Messenger, many such features and tools have been discontinued, which are especially useful for adults. Initially, children along with parents also liked this app, but gradually parents started noticing many shortcomings in this app which are not in the interest of children. This is why the company has received online suggestions and advice from thousands of parents around the world regarding improvements in Messenger kids. After this, Facebook has quickly started improving the Facebook Messenger kids app, so that parents remain happy and allow children to use this app.

Children should not remain busy chatting day and night, Direct sleep mode launched for this

The biggest complaint of parents about Facebook Messenger kids app is that children keep chatting on the app for a long time during homework, dinner and before going to bed and sleep late. To solve this problem, Facebook has now added the option of sleep mode in the Messenger kids app. The most important thing is that now parents can set the sleep time of children's Messenger app through their account. Children will not be able to use the app under any circumstances during sleep time. Whenever they open the app, they will see a message that the app is in sleep mode. Please open it later.

Parents got the option to control their children's chatting Parent Control Center

Tarunya Govindarajan, Product Manager at Facebook, has said in the company's official blog post that parents can have complete control over their children's messenger app from the Parental Control section given in their main app. From this section, parents can control every activity of their children's messenger account. In addition to setting sleep patterns for entire weeks or days, deleting a contact, disabling or deleting a child's account, and creating a new account, everything can be managed from the Parent Control center in the main Facebook app. Are.

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