seoul ,IANS,, It is probably not possible for anyone to compete with WhatsApp in the field of instant messaging worldwide. But now Google and Samsung are together creating an advanced messaging service. Under this project named Rich Communication Services, users will be able to do SMS and instant chatting through the phone's default messaging app without downloading any extra app on their phone. This means that users will be able to share SMS, multimedia chats and files of the phone with their friends and groups only on the default messaging app of their phone.

Android users of Samsung devices will benefit
This new service from Google and Samsung will take messaging services to a new height for consumers. For this, Android and Samsung Messages are working together. South Korean technology company Samsung is planning to bring this high-tech messaging service first in its Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus models. After its launch, for the users, sending SMS and instant chatting will not be two different tasks but will become one, because both these services can be used comfortably on the default app of the phone without any extra app.

Google is bringing such a service in which you can send SMS and WhatsApp messages from the same app.

It will become easier to send messages on personal chat or official mobile number.
According to Samsung, in this important and strong partnership with Google, we will try to provide the best messaging experience to our consumers. Samsung's Executive Vice President Patrick Comet has said that through this service, it will be very easy for the users to chat with their friends or send any official SMS, because they will not need any additional app for this.

Google is bringing such a service in which you can send SMS and WhatsApp messages from the same app.

will change SMS and the world of instant chat
A senior Google official has told about this future advanced messaging service coming on the shared platform of Samsung and Android. This partnership between us and Samsung will take rich communication services in a new direction in the future. Nowadays, when people use WhatsApp or WeChat instead of SMS to send messages to each other, our upcoming messaging service can change the world of SMS and instant chat.

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