Along with raw mango, people also enjoy ripe mango. Along with raw mangoes, ripe mangoes also start arriving in the market. Mango is called the king of fruits and this season of mango, the king of fruits, cannot be enjoyed without tasting it. Many things including milk shake, smoothie and ice cream are made at home from fresh, sweet and juicy mangoes. I am sure you too must have made many recipes using mango and tasted it. In such a situation, today we will share a delicious recipe of mango with you. This is a Chhattisgarhi recipe which is prepared very quickly with very few ingredients.


  • A ripe and juicy sweet mango
  • sugar as per taste
  • steamed milk
  • cardamom powder
  • dry fruit shreds

Recipe to make Panna from Ripe Mango

  • First of all, peel the mango and keep the pulp in a bowl.
  • Keep aside the peel and seeds of mango and add milk to the mango pulp and mix.
  • Mash the milk and mango pulp well with a masher or hands and mix the milk and mango.
  • Now add sugar powder, cardamom powder and Dry Fruits Add and mix well.
  • Once everything is mixed well, take it out in a glass and serve.

Tips for making Chhattisgarhi Mango Panna

  • To make Aam Panna, mix mango and milk with hands or masher, do not mix in mixer or other machine.
  • To make Mango Panna, choose mango with sweet and sour taste, it will be best for taste.
  • To make Panna, keep mango and milk in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, this will keep it chilled and the food will also taste good.
  • After mashing milk and mango, remove the fiber as well, otherwise it will get stuck in the teeth.
  • Use fresh milk to make Mango Panna, else use stale milk sourness of mango And may burst due to heat.

Tips to Store Mango Panna

  • After making Mango Panna, drink it immediately and keep it in the fridge.
  • Do not keep emerald in copper, brass or bronze utensils, otherwise its taste will be completely spoiled.
  • Make Aam Panna immediately and consume it immediately, it does not spoil either the taste or aroma.

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