If you don't have a refrigerator in summer, milk and curd get spoiled. Today we will tell you how you can keep your household items safe even without a refrigerator.

The heat has increased a lot. In such a situation, any food item gets spoiled in minutes. In such a situation, if you want that the things like milk, curd kept in your house do not get spoiled, then we are going to tell you some easy hacks. With the help of this, you can store these things in your house even without a refrigerator.

Keep milk fresh like this

If you want to keep the milk present in the house fresh in summer, then you have to boil it in a clean vessel. Keep in mind that you have to boil the milk for about 10 minutes on low flame. After this, you have to mix a small amount of baking soda in the milk. After this, cover the milk halfway and keep it aside. In this way the milk will not spoil.

How to store curd


To store curd, take it out of the pocket and keep it in a bowl. After this, you have to take water in a big vessel and keep the bowl over the water. Your curd will not turn sour or spoil even without a refrigerator for 24 hours. You have to cover the curd only halfway.

Read this also- Keep these things in mind before keeping the sheer in the fridge, it will not spoil.

how to keep water cold

If you do not have a fridge then you should buy matka for yourself. Matka is very beneficial. Using this you can drink cold water daily. After boiling the water in the pot, it remains cold for a long time.

Also read-Cleaning Tips: Clean dirty marks on the refrigerator with homemade cleaner

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