1- Calculator Watch, Today we can easily use digital calculators in our smartphones, but around the year 1990, people were crazy about this watch. Although it was forbidden to carry these watches to class during exams, still school and college students were completely crazy about this calculator watch. Now most people don't even know about them, let alone ask about them.

2- king of video games , sony playstation, There was a time when around 1995, the Japanese company Sony launched its first video game console. The price of this PlayStation was very high as per that time. People could not buy it, so they could go to a video game parlor and play for 10 or 15 minutes by paying a few rupees. Games like 'Bike City' and 'San Andrews' dominated the hearts and minds of children at that time.

There's only one thing responsible for these 6 favorite gadgets of yours being thrown into the trash!

3- Hand Held Brick Game, This was a very popular time pass game from 1990 onwards. This hand held game player had a small black and white screen like a calculator on the top and buttons for left and right or options on the bottom. With the help of two pencil cells, this game could run for many days. From children to youth, everyone would spend hours in it amidst the tinny sounds coming from the game.

4- Walkman, This portable audio cassette player made by Sony company emerged as a new status symbol between 1990 and 2000. Even though it was not that cheap, people fond of film music used to roam around proudly by hanging this player on their waist or belt and used to enjoy music by putting its earphone in their ear.

There's only one thing responsible for these 6 favorite gadgets of yours being thrown into the trash!

5- cassette videogames, Around 1990, within a few days of the launch of Sony PlayStation, many cassette video games were flooded in the market as its cheaper variants. Children used to stand in queues in neighbourhood shops waiting for their turn to play games like Mario, Duck Hunt and Contra with a small game controller with buttons.

6- Walkie Talkie, Today even children have smartphones in their hands, but 20 or 25 years ago this walkie talkie game was an important means to fulfill children's desire to talk on the phone. Children used to enjoy calling by saying over and out with this walkie talkie to their ear until the battery ran out.

Now the times have changed, with just one smartphone we can enjoy all these popular gadgets All in One.

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